Geneablogy: An occasional Journal about our experiences exploring our heritage

Monday, December 3, 2001

And to finish off this summary of what I've found since April, charts to summarize what I've found. Here they are.

[ Waterfall chart of Ralph A Brandi Sr.'s ancestors ] [ Left-to-right chart of Ralph A Brandi Sr.'s ancestors and other relatives ]

Waterfall chart of Ralph A Brandi Sr.'s ancestors, all from San Potito Sannitico

Left-to-right chart of Ralph A Brandi Sr.'s ancestors and other relatives, all from San Potito Sannitico

As the last time, the waterfall chart is smaller, and shows only direct ancestors. The left-to-right chart shows all relatives that I've found, and highlights direct ancestors in bold type. One addition this time is that each person has their relationship to me shown directly underneath their name.

Posted at 4:45:44 PM
